Naoki Fuku is a Japanese artist, born in Tokyo. After his studies, he moved to London where he started to focus on his artistic career. Naoki Fuku now lives and works in Germany. His oeuvre consists of object works, paintings, installations & performances which often take a mixed view on social, political, cultural and personal issues in both systematic as well as poetic ways, inviting the viewers to move into a space of speculation. The media coverage of world affairs and his own reality (ontology as well as phenomenology) are his main sources of inspiration, while the feeling of modernity is hidden in most of his works. The works are placed in the canon of western culture, attempting to make visible what might be overlooked in today's modern life. The works of Naoki Fuku appeal to the viewers’ most intimate self in the middle of today’s exhausting life by mixing the traditional techniques of calligraphy with the direct approach of western expressionism.

